Jacqui Saburido, The Face Of Anti-Drunk Driving, Has Died – Rest In Peace


Driving under the influence is a perilous act that poses significant risks to everyone involved. It is a behavior that disregards the safety of oneself and others, often leading to dire consequences. Despite widespread knowledge of the dangers associated with this reckless choice, some individuals continue to engage in it, ignoring the common sense that should guide their actions.

One striking example of the impact of impaired driving is the story of a young woman named Jacqui Saburido. At just 20 years old, Jacqui was returning from a celebration with friends in Austin, Texas, when their vehicle was struck by a driver under the influence of alcohol. The collision was catastrophic; two of her friends lost their lives immediately, while Jacqui was left with severe burns covering a significant portion of her body.

This tragic event marked the beginning of a long and challenging journey for Jacqui. Her incredible spirit and resilience transformed her into a powerful advocate for change. After the accident, she became involved in the Faces of Drunk Driving Campaign, an initiative led by the Texas Department of Transportation aimed at educating the public about the dangers of drunk driving and promoting responsible choices.

On September 19, 1999, the lives of Jacqui and her friends were irrevocably altered. An 18-year-old drunk driver crashed into their car, igniting it in flames. The impact was devastating, with Jacqui suffering third-degree burns on 60% of her body. When emergency services arrived, they faced a dire situation; Jacqui was trapped, with her legs pinned beneath the dashboard, and the fire rapidly spreading. Paramedics managed to rescue two of her friends, but Jacqui remained trapped for several agonizing moments until a fire truck arrived. By the time she was freed and transported to the hospital, her injuries were extensive and life-altering. She lost her nose, ears, lips, and hair, and she faced the possibility of losing her sight.

The driver responsible for the crash, Reginald Stephey, faced legal consequences for his actions. He was convicted of driving under the influence and manslaughter in 2001, receiving a seven-year prison sentence. However, the legal repercussions could never restore what was lost in that tragic incident.

In the years following her recovery, Jacqui underwent over 120 surgeries, including a cornea transplant aimed at restoring her vision. Her journey through pain and recovery was arduous, but Jacqui’s determination to survive and thrive shone through. Rather than retreating from her traumatic experience, she embraced it as a means to advocate for others. She became a prominent figure in the fight against drunk driving, sharing her story and allowing her images to be used to raise awareness about the devastating effects of impaired driving.

Jacqui’s commitment to her cause was unwavering. She engaged with young people, speaking at schools, events, and public gatherings to ensure that her message reached as many ears as possible. In her own words, she expressed her willingness to bear the scars of her experience to prevent others from making fatal mistakes. Her bravery and dedication left a lasting impression on countless individuals.

Sadly, Jacqui Saburido passed away from cancer in Guatemala City on April 20, 2019, at the age of 40. Although she is no longer with us, her legacy continues to resonate. Her story serves as a poignant reminder of the consequences of drunk driving and the importance of making responsible choices.

It is essential to acknowledge that the dangers of driving while impaired should not be underestimated. The decision to drive after consuming alcohol not only jeopardizes the driver’s safety but also threatens the lives of everyone on the road. Jacqui’s story illustrates the profound impact of these choices, urging individuals to recognize the responsibility they bear for their actions. By sharing her journey, Jacqui has inspired many to think twice before getting behind the wheel after drinking, ensuring that her message will endure for generations to come.



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