Elderly Missouri Couple Married For 77 Years Were Buried Together, Hand In Hand, In One Casket


Every love story carries its own unique charm, weaving a tapestry of emotions that can inspire hope and provide a welcome escape from the everyday. Among these tales, one stands out, captivating hearts across the nation. It belongs to Raymond and Velva Breuer, whose enduring bond is a testament to love’s resilience and depth.

Raymond and Velva’s journey began in the quaint surroundings of Phelps County, Missouri, where they not only shared the same hometown but also attended the same schools. From their early years as classmates in elementary school to graduating together from high school, their lives were intertwined in a way that foreshadowed a lifelong partnership.


However, their initial encounter was marked by an unexpected incident that could have altered their fate. In a playful but ill-fated attempt to grab Velva’s attention, Raymond accidentally tapped her with a hot poker, leaving a scar that would serve as a reminder of their unconventional beginnings. Despite this rocky start, their love story took flight when they tied the knot in 1940, setting the stage for a beautiful life together.

Over the years, Raymond and Velva built a large family, welcoming six children into the world. Their family tree flourished with 18 grandchildren, great-grandchildren, and great-great-grandchildren, leading to an affectionate family joke about losing count of their growing clan. Each member of this expansive family played a vital role in the narrative of love and togetherness that defined Raymond and Velva’s lives.


Those who were fortunate enough to witness their relationship were often moved by the tenderness they shared. Pastor Cheri Reisch, who knew them well, noted how they would always hold hands while sitting in the front row of their church. “They never left each other’s side,” she remarked, encapsulating the essence of their bond. Their connection was not merely romantic; it was a deep-seated friendship that withstood the test of time.

In addition to their emotional closeness, both Raymond and Velva cherished their mental agility, often losing themselves in the pages of books. Their shared love of reading not only enriched their lives but also kept their minds sharp. As they aged, their commitment to one another remained unwavering. Even during Velva’s stay at the Lenoir Woods Rehab Center, Raymond refused to leave her side, choosing to be close to her despite the circumstances.


As Raymond approached the end of his life, he expressed a heartfelt wish that if they were to pass away together, they should be buried side by side. While his comment may have been made in jest, it resonated deeply with their children and became a poignant reflection of their lifelong partnership. Raymond passed away on August 4, 2017, with Velva’s hand in his, showcasing the depth of their connection until the very end.

In a remarkable twist of fate, Velva followed Raymond just 30 hours later, a testament to their inseparable bond. At 97 and 96 years old, respectively, they had spent nearly eight decades together, creating a legacy of love that would endure beyond their physical presence.


As their family prepared for the funeral, they honored their father’s light-hearted wish by arranging for Raymond and Velva to be buried in the same casket, hand in hand. This decision brought solace to the family, as it symbolized not only their parents’ deep love but also the desire for them to remain together even in death.

The heart-wrenching yet beautiful tale of Raymond and Velva Breuer serves as a reminder that true love knows no boundaries, transcending time and even life itself. Their story is one that continues to inspire, reminding us all of the profound connections that define our existence. In the end, it is not merely the years spent together that matter, but the love and memories created along the way that truly make a life worth living.



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