Science Suggests December Babies Are Nicer And Live Longer


Celebrating a birthday in December comes with its unique set of challenges and advantages. While the festive season brings joy and a celebratory spirit, it can also complicate planning for your special day. With so many holiday activities and gatherings taking place, it’s essential to organize your birthday plans early to ensure that friends and family can join you for the celebration.

One of the more frustrating aspects of a December birthday can be the tendency for gifts to blend into the Christmas festivities. It’s not uncommon for birthday celebrations to be overshadowed by the holiday cheer, resulting in joint presents that may come wrapped in festive paper. This phenomenon can make December birthday celebrants feel as though their special day is shared rather than singular.


However, research has revealed that being born in December can be linked to numerous benefits, providing some reassuring insights for those who celebrate during this month. Studies suggest that individuals born in the final month of the year may enjoy a longer lifespan. According to research featured in the Journal of Ageing Research, December-born individuals are more likely to reach advanced ages, with some even living beyond 100 years. This statistic brings a silver lining to the notion of shared celebrations; after all, more birthdays mean more opportunities for joy and festivities.

Another intriguing finding from research indicates that December babies tend to exhibit more positive personality traits. A study involving 400 participants concluded that those born during the winter months were less likely to experience irritability. This suggests that December-born individuals may approach life with a more cheerful disposition, which can be a wonderful trait to possess during the holiday season.

Health is another significant area where December birthdays shine. A comprehensive analysis of over 1.7 million individuals in the United States revealed that those born in December face a lower risk of cardiovascular diseases. This health advantage not only promotes a longer life but also opens the door for a variety of enjoyable experiences throughout life.

Interestingly, a connection between birth month and professional success has been noted as well. Research conducted by the Office for National Statistics indicates a statistical relationship between being born in December and pursuing careers in dentistry. This insight could serve as inspiration for young December babies as they contemplate their future paths.

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In the realm of athletics, December babies seem to hold a natural advantage. A study published in the International Journal of Sports Medicine points to a link between athletic prowess and exposure to vitamin D during summer pregnancies, which often aligns with December birthdays. This connection suggests that those born in December might possess an innate inclination toward sports and physical activities.

Moreover, studies involving Italian and Spanish university students have shown that December-born individuals are more likely to identify as morning people. This morning-oriented disposition may offer December babies an added edge in their daily lives, as they often capitalize on the early hours to tackle tasks and pursue interests.

Ultimately, celebrating a birthday in December, despite the potential challenges of shared festivities, comes with a plethora of advantages. The unique qualities and health benefits associated with December-born individuals provide plenty of reasons to celebrate this special time of year. Embracing these positive aspects can transform the perception of a December birthday, making it a truly joyous occasion. So, whether you’re blowing out candles or enjoying the festive atmosphere, December birthdays can be a wonderful reminder of the joy and happiness that this time of year can bring.



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