Single Mom Adopts An Abandoned Baby Girl, Unaware She’s Her Son’s Biological Sister


In her early thirties, a woman named Katie Page found herself navigating the unexpected twists and turns of life after her marriage ended suddenly. As she settled into a new home in Colorado and transitioned into a different career, she still felt a sense of emptiness and uncertainty about her future. It was during this time that an unexpected email from her pastor changed the course of her life forever.

The message inquired whether Katie had ever considered fostering a child. Having faced fertility challenges and previously contemplating adoption, she felt compelled to explore this new avenue. Attending informational meetings about fostering reignited a sense of purpose within her. With each session, she realized that this was a meaningful path for her to embark upon. Over time, Katie became a foster parent to four children, a transformative experience that solidified her commitment to nurturing young lives.

In 2016, a poignant opportunity arose when she learned about a newborn boy who had been abandoned at a local hospital. This little boy, just four days old, had not been given a name. Katie, feeling a deep connection, decided to name him Grayson. For nearly a year, Grayson lived with Katie, filling her home with joy and affection. When the court officially severed the birth parents’ rights, she adopted him at eleven months old, marking a significant milestone in her journey as a mother.

Just as Katie was beginning to settle into her new role, her caseworker contacted her with news of another baby—a newborn girl who had also been left at the same hospital. Despite feeling overwhelmed at the idea of taking in another child, Katie listened to her intuition, which urged her to welcome this little girl into her life. As she pondered the decision, she found herself repeating, “I know I am crazy, but God is telling me to say ‘YES.’” Within hours, baby Hannah arrived at her home.

While reviewing Hannah’s hospital bracelet, Katie made a shocking discovery. The name of Hannah’s birth mother matched that of Grayson’s, and further investigation revealed that their birth dates were also identical. This revelation sparked curiosity, as Grayson and Hannah appeared to be strikingly different from one another. Grayson had African American heritage, with rich dark skin and curly hair, while Hannah had fair skin and straight red-blonde hair. Driven by the desire to understand this connection, Katie pursued a DNA test that ultimately confirmed the two children were indeed half-siblings.

Mom adopts 3rd sibling after learning she was fostering son's biological sister | GMA


The implications of this discovery weighed heavily on Katie’s mind. She reflected in her blog, questioning what might have happened if Hannah had been placed with another family. The likelihood of the siblings ever finding each other would have been slim, and the profound bond they shared would have remained unknown. Katie expressed her gratitude for the miraculous turn of events that allowed her to unite her children.

In December 2018, Katie officially adopted Hannah, a moment filled with overwhelming emotion. She described the experience as an undeniable calling, a moment when she felt a spiritual nudge to say “YES” to this new chapter in her life. Despite the fears and doubts that lingered in her mind, a deep sense of purpose drove her to embrace the unknown.

Katie has continued her journey as a single mother dedicated to fostering and adoption, sharing her experiences with a growing community of followers on social media. Today, with more than 90,000 followers on her Instagram account, she has become a beacon of inspiration, openly discussing the challenges and joys of her imperfect yet fulfilling life. Along the way, Katie found love again and welcomed another child, a baby boy named Jackson, into her family. Currently, she is fostering a teenager, sharing her journey and insights on both Instagram and YouTube.

Katie’s story serves as a powerful reminder of the importance of following one’s heart. Her journey has not only led her to true happiness but has also created a beautiful, blended family that embodies love and resilience. Through her openness and courage, Katie Page inspires others to embrace the unpredictable nature of life, reinforcing the belief that sometimes, the most extraordinary paths can emerge from the most unexpected circumstances.



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