Man Who Climbed A Mountain For The First Sunrise Of 2020 Captures A Figure In The Cloud


An individual’s remarkable photograph is capturing widespread interest on the internet after he documented an unusual natural occurrence while ascending a mountain to welcome the new year.

Hiker Rhys Pleming opted to ring in January 1 by climbing Snowdon, the tallest peak in England and Wales. His goal was to witness and photograph the very first sunrise of the decade alongside a companion. However, neither of them could have foreseen the extraordinary spectacle they would encounter. Not only did Rhys experience the breathtaking dawn, but he was also fortunate enough to witness an incredibly rare phenomenon known as the Broken Spectre.

In his stunning images, Rhys seems to portray a figure traversing through clouds, surrounded by a halo of light resembling a circular rainbow. According to various reports, this ethereal occurrence transpires when the sun is low in the sky and shines from behind a person gazing into the mist from a higher vantage point. The observer’s shadow is cast forward, creating a silhouette against the surrounding rainbow and giving the impression of a figure floating within the clouds.

Rhys shared his experience with North Wales Live, reflecting on the uncertainty they faced that day: “There was only a 50/50 chance of seeing the sunrise because of the cloud, but me and my friend decided to go up anyway.” He recounted how his friend, who was slightly slower in his ascent, encouraged Rhys to proceed ahead. “I must have reached the summit around 8:15 a.m. and started taking some photos of the sunrise. A few other individuals were there at that time as well.”

An hour later, Rhys’s friend finally made it to the top just in time to witness the Broken Spectre phenomenon. Rhys described the moment as one of perfect timing: “It was just pure luck.” Despite the element of chance involved, few can argue that the resulting photograph is anything less than breathtaking. It serves as a fantastic memory of welcoming 2020 in an extraordinary fashion.


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As the sun began to rise over the horizon, the world transformed around them. The sky transitioned from deep hues of navy blue to soft pastels, painting a picture that few have the privilege to witness. This serene landscape, coupled with the unexpected Broken Spectre, added a touch of magic to their New Year celebration.

The images Rhys captured not only tell the story of their adventure but also evoke a sense of wonder about nature’s mysteries. It is moments like these that remind us of the beauty that exists in our world, often waiting to be discovered by those willing to venture into the unknown. The allure of the mountains, combined with the thrill of capturing a unique event, creates an experience that resonates deeply with those who love the great outdoors.

While many people welcome the new year with fireworks and parties, Rhys and his friend found themselves surrounded by nature’s grandeur. Their experience serves as a reminder that sometimes the most remarkable moments in life arise unexpectedly. As they descended from the mountain, they carried with them not just photographs, but a shared memory of awe and inspiration that would last a lifetime.

In a world filled with digital distractions, Rhys’s tale encourages others to step outside, embrace the natural world, and create their own extraordinary stories. Whether it’s hiking a mountain, exploring a hidden trail, or simply watching a sunrise, the opportunities for wonder are all around us, just waiting to be explored.



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